This is a simple python script to print filenames in all Write nodes from Nuke:
print "========================"
for node in nuke.allNodes():
if 'Write' in node['name'].value():
print node['file'].value()
To run this script you can save it to file .py and run from File/Run Script menu (Alt + X).
The result will be printed in the Script Editor (right click to any content menu, Windows/Script Editor).
You can change Write to Read to print all comp’s references:
print "========================"
for node in nuke.allNodes():
if 'Read' in node['name'].value():
print node['file'].value()
To find the filenames with specific location run next script:
print "========================"
location = '/LOCATION_PATH/'
for n in nuke.allNodes():
if 'Read' in n['name'].value() or 'Write' in n['name'].value():
if location in n['file'].value():
print n['file'].value()