19.06.2020, 11:37 fxtd

The point radius scale in the VDB From Particles must not be less than:

point radius scale = minimum radius in voxels * voxel size * 1.01

That is, the actual radius of the particle should not be less than the radius of one and a half voxels. In the opposite direction, the voxel size should not be greater than:

voxel size = point radius scale / minimum radius in voxels * 0.99

Using these expressions, you can bind parameters and adaptively set voxel size and point radius.

19.06.2020, 11:04 fxtd

Try to always use SOP-level nodes in the paths to objects. Otherwise, the render flag will be used for rendering, which generally gives an unpredictable result.
This also applies to a geometric object in a geometry light.

18.06.2020, 23:45 fxtd

The VDB Smooth SDF produces incorrect values for distance from the surface. If you convert it to geometry and make SDF again, the values will change. Therefore, the result cannot be used for accurate distance calculations (both outside and inside).

18.06.2020, 22:58 fxtd

When caching geometry to disk, there is no difference between storing a single attribute value on points or on a global attribute.
In the case when, for example, for a large number of points there are only two attribute values, it makes sense to sort by it. This will save storage space. Example: 4.49 GB vs 4.22 GB for a sequence with two values.

18.06.2020, 11:56 fxtd

If step voxels are visible when rendering the volume, then the necessary density field in the shader is missing.
This often happens when promoting the density attribute from volume shader core. Its name becomes density2 by default, and it must immediately be changed to density.

18.06.2020, 11:45 fxtd

When using the compute mass mode, very light objects with a mass of 1e-5, 1e-6, connected by constraints, can have problems. For example, a rope is pulled to the floor under the influence of the gravity of an object at its end.
This is corrected by manually setting the mass to mass = 0.01, for example.

18.06.2020, 11:22 fxtd

If you set the flipbook session label in the form of a number and text, then when you change this number, a new mplay instance is not created.
At the same time, if you use only numbers, it works correctly.
Therefore, it is advisable to start the session label with text and, if necessary, end with numbers.

18.06.2020, 11:00 fxtd

To calculate the crop mask in the camera, a primitive bounding box is used. Therefore, the object used as a crop mask in the camera must have primitives. Otherwise, it is ignored.

18.06.2020, 10:51 fxtd

If you need to lighten a dense volume, then you can reduce the shadow density scale in the shader.

18.06.2020, 09:47 fxtd

Do not use 16-bit float for position attributes, which can have values significantly different from 1: